The cold wet winter is becoming a vague memory as we feel the warmth of the sun and see the blossoming all around us. It is a wonderful time to commune with nature and Qi Gong is one sublime way to gather that life force into our beings for nourishment and wellness. I am inspired by a recurring thought and a local inquiry to begin a series of Qi Gong For Health courses in these warm summer months. The term “Qi” means LIfe Force, the term “Gong” means to culture or train. Qi Gong is a comprehensive set of exercises to enhance our life force, nourish our organs, increase our awareness and intuition and move the Qi where it needs to go for healing. The exercises are easy and can be practiced by anyone of any age.
The program will begin Saturday June 17, 2017 10:00-12:30 at my office, 20510 Big Springs Rd, Suite E, Weed, CA 96094-9603. Please call 530-938-3442 for registration. The program will meet twice a week for 2.5 hours. Times and days to be determined by the participants. The program is 75 hours and the cost is $995. You will receive a Certification of Completion as a Qi Gong for Health Instructor. Begin a new career as you to continue your practice teaching others in your circle of influence about the wonderful health benefits of Qi Gong practice.